
Tennis Clash | How to videos | Tips and Strategies | Win more | Earn more coins

The most frequent playes that I met with the help of most controversial matchmaking are either volley+agility player or agility+serve player. It's super difficult to win against those player. The tips for playing against volley player are, 1. Must have high backhand or Forehand, coz that will help to hit the ball as hard as you can. 2. Always try to hit and place away from the opponent, so that they have to jump and then you can score an easy point. See how I do in the video. In next video, I will show how to win against high agility+serve player, now this video is for those who dont have very high serve points, the key takeaways are, 1. Try to play the game on your strong hand. 2. Try to return accurately to their high serve 3. Not to go to behind the line to counter drop serve 4. If they have any weak hand, try to exploit it.